News & Media
8th April 2024
Community Safety Notice
Closure of North and South Piers will remain in place throughout Summer to enable critical safety repairs. Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Following sustained storm damage and vandalism, critical repair works to the North and South Piers are continuing. To ensure safety for both the public and vessels using the river they will remain closed throughout the summer period.
We ask that the public do not access the Piers at any time for any purpose until these works are complete. Increasing incidents of trespassing are putting members of the public at significant risk of accident or death. Therefore, we are now forced to take stronger steps to prosecute trespassers in conjunction with the Police.
As you know, the North and South Piers are primarily a maritime aid, recent vandalism including defecation and theft have severely damaged critical navigation equipment essential for the safety of the river, this has added to the closure period.
We recognise that the Piers are an important landmark for the Region and that members of the public enjoy using them. We want to reassure the local community that it is our aim to reopen the Piers as soon as possible and we will begin to engage with the local community over the summer period to agree how we can create a safe, secure, and protected environment for the public, our river users and future generations.
We will provide further updates on the Pier works on the Port of Tyne website: