Marine Information
As the Statutory Harbour Authority, Port of Tyne is responsible for the safety of navigation and for the safe use of the River Tyne. Our statutory jurisdiction extents over a 17 mile section of the river and for 3 miles to seaward of the harbour entrance.
We are committed to serving all those who use our harbour, commercial shipping, fishing vessels, leisure users and berth operators.
Highly qualified, experienced mariners operate Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) around the clock. Our pilotage service has the distinction of being accredited by the International Standards for Pilotage Organisations.
Accessible at all states of the tide, with a sheltered entrance provided by the Tynemouth Pier and South Shields Pier, the Port of Tyne is one of the UK East Coast’s primary Ports of Refuge. The River Tyne is commercially navigable for a distance of 10 miles.
• A primary East Coast Port of Refuge
• Accessible 24/7
• Expert VTS and pilotage