At Port of Tyne, we want your journey to go as smoothly as possible. Here you can find the answers to our most frequently asked questions (FAQs) from passengers travelling on cruises and ferries via the Port.
When do I need to check in?
The check-in times for our passengers differ depending on the cruise line. If you are travelling with DFDS, you must check-in at least 45 minutes before sailing. For all others, please check the instructions on your tickets.
Can pets be taken through the Port?
If your dogs or cats are vaccinated against rabies and meet all health requirements, they may travel through the Port without going into quarantine under the Pet Travel Scheme. Pet owners must make prior arrangements with DFDS. Only assistance dogs are allowed within the Passenger Terminal. Pets are not permitted by cruise lines at the Port of Tyne.
Can I sleep or camp out at the Port?
We do not permit overnight camping inside or outside the terminal as the building is closed to the public from 5pm - 8am.
How can I find local accommodation?
Short stay, long stay, on a budget or going all out - there is plenty of local accommodation within North East England to suit every kind of trip. We would recommend looking for accommodation at Visit North East England, the official visitor website.
Do I need a passport?
Yes. All international sailings require a valid passport for every passenger or you will not be allowed to board the ship.
Do I need health cover?
If you require healthcare during your visit to any European Economic Area, a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) will be needed.
We hope these answers helped you find what you were looking for. If you need more information please contact the Port of Tyne International Passenger Terminal on +44 (0)191 257 1373.